Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Bit of Context

For Harley's comment about us joining the "left-wing media conspiracy" (which, for the record, is not what I said, I said the "SECULAR media conspiracy.")

Harley: it drives me crazy when people blame modern or "secular" media for things (ed: it was Michelle, not Semgirl)
Annie: yes
Harley: You know why? It is because people have had kinks for thousands of years.
Annie: False, only since secular media was invented. Britney Spears is responsible for all of society's ills.
Harley: True that, true that
Annie: Homosexuality is also Britney's fault. People aren't born gay, she makes them gay.
Harley: With the rays from her eyes
Annie: yes
Harley: the homorays
Annie: gay-rays

Wow. We are absurd.

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