Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am the Left-Wing Media Conspiracy

Someone came to our site by searching for “secular site: Jewbiquitous.blogspot.com.” I am confused for two reasons: (1) if they knew our URL, why did they do a search for us? And (2) we have “Jew” in the name, doesn’t that make us religiously affiliated, if not a “religious” site? Then it occurred to me to be proud. As Annie said: “We’re now officially part of the left-wing media conspiracy.” I, for one, won’t rest until there’s a kink in every bedroom and a ham in every pot.
Take that, Semgirl!

Cue evil laughter.


rokhl said...

Well, I discovered yesterday that I am an "ortho" blogger, as I show up on the awesomely long list of ortho bloggers (alloob). strange...

harley said...

Secretary is your favorite movie? I adore that movie with a heartfelt passion.

Annie said...

Thanks Anon. It still read amusingly.

rokhl said...

well, to be honest, Secretary is not my favorite movie. I found it deeply flawed in a way that made me wish it were better. But the visual design of the movie was stunning. And so is the visual design of James Spader. Favorite movies are more along the lines of french and pretentious- La regle de jeu, grand illusion, reform school girls, etc.