Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A Teaser

Harley and I have been busy at work today. So we haven't had much time to blog, and for that, our apologies.

I would, however, like to present you with a transcript of a conversation that we really had.

Annie: Don't worry, we'll fix Judaism tomorrow.
Harley: By having Jewish babies.
Annie: Together. We'd have such beautiful babies.
Harley: We so would, and then the dancer can raise them Catholic.

Clearly we are lucid.


Anonymous said...

Harley and I have been busy at work today. So we haven't had much time to blog, and for that, our apologies.

I just learned today that Tuesday is the slowest day of the week for internet traffic (who knew?). So if you're gonna pick a day to not blog much, this is probably the best one.

Anonymous said...

It where did you learn such a wonderful fact? i have been lookin' for some good blog action and there has been NONE all day.

Just Prager and I am so done with that.

Anonymous said...

It was told to me by a friend who works for a website. Apparently, it's a commonly known fact in the website industry.

Annie said...

LT- I just checked out sitetracker, and it seems that Tuesday is our highest traffic day. A full 21%. Unsurprisingly, our numbers dip on shabbes.