Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Cooking, Dating, and More! at the JCC

Recently, I became single. A strange concept, considering I had always considered my self singular and was unaware that, upon ending a lengthy relationship, I fundamentally changed my existence on this earth. I was wrong. Before, when coupled, I was incessantly being asked when we would marry. Apparently, upon the 4.5 year mark, the turkey timer of matrimony pops our of the belly of a relationship.

At our friends' wedding: "Are you two next ?" and "Marry her already!"
At all other times: "When are you getting engaged?"

Now, the conversation has shifted. Now, it's all about dating:
"Are you dating [Jews], yet?"
"Meet any new [Jewish] guys?"
"I have a [Jewish] nephew..."

Ah, the attempt to ensure Jewish continuity through in-marriage and procreation.

Now, the JCC has many classes that they would like me to take: How to Write a Business Plan and Obtain Financial Backing, Beginning Adobe Photoshop CS2:
Enhance Your Digital Images
Beyond the DaVinci Code: What Jews Should Know about Christianity. But the title of the email, "Cooking, Dating, and More!" made me laugh out loud. Are they tempting me with what they think I want? JCC? Are you? Do you think that you can only catch my attention with cooking and dating? Those classes do look really good, though.

Mad props for
A Gay Guys Guide To Dating, by the way; good use of alliteration.

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